About CHP

Our Mission

The Colorado Haiti Project advocates for and invests in locally led initiatives to support the vision of our partner communities in rural Haiti.

Our Approach

Close your eyes and think of Haiti. What words and images come to mind? The common narrative around Haiti focuses on the real and tragic consequences of poverty and natural disaster. This narrative misses a singular history and a vibrant culture of creativity, beauty, and possibility. Most importantly, the narrative often leaves out Haitian voices that deserve a place at the center of their stories. When you support the Colorado Haiti Project, you invest in Haitian leaders doing transformative work in education, girls’ empowerment, agriculture, and community health.

Petit Trou de Nippes, our sister community of over 30 years, is a coastal city located at the base of a breathtaking mountain range. Visit Petit Trou and you’ll find a group of talented leaders deeply devoted to making progress in their community of more than 30,000 residents.

Haiti’s rural poverty has led to more than 133,000 people leaving rural areas annually for overcrowded urban centers or dangerous routes of emigration. Why are people leaving? A lack of investment and opportunity. We fill the opportunity gap together, working towards a Petit Trou that can thrive, one family at a time.


The Colorado Haiti Project was founded in 1989 by three Episcopal priests: Haitian Father Octave LaFontant and Coloradans Fathers Dayle Casey and Ed Morgan. Over time, we have transitioned from direct service missions to a strong emphasis on local leadership. Today, our work reaches a broad audience both within and outside of the Colorado and Haitian Episcopal communities.


A Haiti where rural communities have the opportunity to thrive.


Humility: We embrace the wisdom found in listening to others and recognizing our limitations

Adaptability: We share a commitment to reflecting, adjusting, and improving

Integration: We strive for synergy between our partners and programs

Integrity: We champion a transparent stewardship of resources and relationships  

Service: We uphold a long-term dedication to our Haitian partners and our supporters

Gratitude: We are grateful for the chance to learn and engage in Haiti