Haitian families are struggling to adapt to the unprecedented circumstances created by COVID-19. You can support local leaders with key resources now. $75 funds one family’s participation in this community-led initiative focused on COVID-19 prevention and food security. (Scroll down for a detailed budget for 20 families.) 

CHP COVID Response Map_v5 - July 2020FINAL.jpg

The COVID-19 curve is accelerating in Haiti. Even with limited testing, over 6,000 cases have been reported to date. Resources such as educational materials, handwashing stations, and locally sewn masks make a life-saving difference. In addition, food security and access to seed for farmers is an urgent challenge in Petit Trou. We’ve listened to local leaders and assessed where we can make our greatest impact, with a community-based health and nutrition program.

As shown in the map above, CHP has started funding programs in 6 localities in and around Petit Trou. As we continue to raise funds and send support directly to our partners, we will update the map to show the real time impact of your donations.

How the program works:

  • We are reinforcing existing structures and leadership, one small community at a time (referred to as localities in Haiti). Participant families receive masks, handwashing stations, educational materials, and seed & tools. 

  • Partners in Petit Trou report that the rising cost of food and seed is their greatest challenge. Agronomist Raphael has designed a program wherein he purchases seed in Haiti and shares with families in a cooperative model. A portion of the harvest feeds back into the community seedbank to then be shared with another family. Neighbors share tools, also provided by the program. Access to nutrition has been shown to correlate with COVID-19 outcomes. 

  • Community health workers living in the community not only provide masks and COVID-19 specific education to households, but also work directly with Raphael and participate in the planting / food security initiative. Community health workers participating in the program will benefit from improved food security and a better understanding of the challenges farmers are facing.

  • By including health workers as integral parts of the agriculture initiative, the program enhances their status in the community thereby helping their primary care and prevention work and setting the stage for greater success during future vaccination and health campaigns.

  • Engagement across the region gives Raphael greater knowledge of and connection to each locality. By working with families across the region we spread the messages around COVID-19 faster. Once all localities have 20 participant families, we will circle back and include 20 more families, funding permitting. For now, getting accurate information and resources into each locality so that knowledge can spread from there, is the first priority.

  • At a time of rampant inflation, lost buying power, and economic stagnation, the purchase of locally sewn masks creates revenue for the all female sewing co-op, Ti pa Ti pa.

75 dollars helps keep one family safe, nourished, and healthy. (Budget below represents costs for 20 families. )

budget final2.jpg